Rachel is an investigative researcher and reporter based in Brussels. Her work has been covered by outlets including The Guardian, Vice News, The Financial Times and The Hill. She was a finalist at the British Journalism Awards in 2021.
Critics say the controversial GWP* method – which New Zealand appears close to adopting – is “open to significant abuse”.
Agriculture delegates use influence to “distract” policymakers from genuine solutions needed to transform food and farming, say campaigners.
Future nature talks must be protected from “intense industry pressure” say campaigners.
Corporations have found ways to be heard during negotiations on reversing the drastic global decline in plant and animal life.
Food and agriculture multinationals are embracing the vague term without changing their polluting ways, according to a new report.
DeSmog re-launches investigative series to track agribusiness’ influence over climate and nature policy in a critical year for decisions on the future of food and farming.
DeSmog analysed misleading statements by farming groups, media influencers, and political candidates in France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and Ireland.
Some cast doubt on the climate science, while others painted EU regulators as part of an authoritarian “sect” wishing to control citizens through green measures.
Big and small farming groups have decided against attending the demo on the eve of the EU elections.
Panellists criticised net zero as “stupid propaganda” and suggested that climate action would “take us back to the dark ages”.
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